As a core subsidiary of the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies, Nonprofit Partners is a valued, respected service provider to those trying to do good locally, regionally, and beyond and, critically, to those trying to support such work. We envision our organization as a catalyst, a backbone, and a common thread for people, groups, and initiatives motivated to do good but in need of the kind of support in which we have the expertise needed for them to be successful.
The mission of Nonprofit Partners is to provide charitable organizations and individuals who want to support nonprofits, grassroots projects, and large-scale initiatives the support and capacity to work for community good. We provide levels of administrative and fiscal support in a manner that allows community groups to focus on their missions’ work and allows our parent organization, the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies, to focus on its core mission of endowment building. In turn, the capabilities, competencies, and credibility of the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies are brought to bear to make Nonprofit Partners a valued resource.
Nonprofit Partners is committed to working toward a diverse, equitable, and inclusive society, where all individuals feel valued and respected. We are committed to taking a nondiscriminatory approach in our policies and actions, respecting diverse life experiences and heritages, and ensuring that all voices are valued and heard.
"The support we have received from the Community Foundation for the Alleghenies, and now from Nonprofit Partners, has been invaluable. We are able to work so well together because we share the core values of professionalism and collaboration, and we are deeply committed to excellence in delivering on our missions."
Joanne Kilgour, Executive Director, Ohio River Valley Institute
Board of directors
- Chair

- Partner
- Sahlaney, Dudeck & Hochfeld Law Office
- Vice Chair

- Executive Director
- Environmental Health Project
- Treasurer

- Principal
- Wessel & Company
- Secretary

- Chief Executive Officer, The Learning
- Lamp & Ignite Education Solutions